Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A great start to a new year!

The show opened and had a good 1st week run. Now we start our next & last run, Thurs-Sat. I have high expectations that I don't expect to fail me. My cast is amazing, & versatile. They are efficient and caring. I look forward to three more performances of Les Miserables! 

My little guy began his 2nd year of pre-school. He loves it & was thrilled to see familiar faces that first day. He goes to work with me at the high school, where he hangs in my office with his toys or naps on the couch until a teenager in an early childhood professions class comes to get him & walks him to school (on the H. S. campus). While there he gets a full day of classes lasting 10 minutes each, including some recess & lunch w/ a nap. What a difference one year has made! He went from caterpillar to butterfly. We are looking forward to an exciting new school year!


2amscrapper said...

great photos. here from SSC so you know I stopped by!!!

Elizabeth Crocker said...

Thanks! I love when you leave comments :)

Jennifer said...

what a sweetie you have there! Love your "view" of things!