Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sidewalk Picasso

     My little guy sees something in the store, or the fridge, or where ever & "NEEDS" it..."NOW"! Usually we have an arguement over one of the many reasons why I won't allow him to meet his "need" for the item, and sometime I win hands down but sometimes I have to work it into a sort of bribery or reward thing. The rare times when I can actually say "yeah, you deserve this and I want to give it to you just because I love you" (with no fear of spoiling him) are actually more fun for me than for him.

    The other day I came home from work tired & stressed. Before I could even get my purse out of my hands he was pulling me outside to use his new chalk on the driveway. I had purchased it for him the day before during one of those times when I felt he had earned it & he later told his daddy that he bought it for me. Do you think he knew how good it made me feel to be able to give him something "just because"? Regardless, we had a fun hour outside in the spring sunshine drawing and playing together.

Don't forget to check out my new contest...see my post for the details.


sMacThoughts said...

Oh how I love seeing this. Brings me back to some nice childhood memories. You sound like a really good Mom! :D

Elizabeth Crocker said...

Thanks! We played hopscotch too! I have not processed those shots yet :)

Tiffany A said...

Hey, we are getting ready to take some of these!!! Nice shots! Love the shadow!