Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

For me, this last decade is happily ending. The start of the new millenium was NOT what I had hoped for my life. Sure, there were some good things. Emily was born & so was D2, but we also lost Emily, and quite frankly, losing Cheyenne in 1999 was more than enough to ruin the new millenium for us already. Things took a slow turn upward though & this last year was not too bad. It gave us hope for a great new decade, and more than anything, I hope for a great & prosperous decade for everyone in the world...really!

God Bless  you all.
Love, Beth

1 comment:

sMacThoughts said...

I'm so sorry for the losses you've suffered, Beth; perhaps now that you have your own special angels watching overhead, they can sweep some more of the good stuff your way. Let's hope this next decade shows just that, and thank you also for your lovely wishes. Gorgeous photo!!